How Things Work: Speech Vehicles Gone Wrong?
Every year I have students in one of my classes write speeches. One of the most difficult things to convey to students for these speech assignments is the purpose of a vehicle in a speech. A vehicle in your average grammar class refers to the verbiage of a metaphor. For example, the saying, “Rob Peter to Pay Paul,” conveys the message of taking something away from one person in order to pay another even if the people in question are neither Peter nor Paul. In this example, we used a common turn of phrase as a vehicle to convey a message.
Vehicles are essential for engaging speeches but can be difficult to explain and even harder to come up with spontaneously. As such, it's helpful to see an example of a vehicle in action.

Eye Tracking Technology
The constantly evolving digital landscape has made it crucial for businesses and researchers to understand how users interact with online content. From a business standpoint you’re probably thinking,
“to drive up profits!”, and while that may be true from the aforementioned vantage, the advent of recent technology has left a dearth of research on the human impact of living in the virtual world. Now more than ever we ought to prioritize creating a positive experience that contributes to the well-being of humanity. To do so, we need research.